Chow Chow Training And Education | Best Dog Training

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Chow Chows are difficult to train. Psychology professor Stanley Coren (scientific treatise Canine Intelligence, 1994) placed the Chow Chow 77th out of 80 levels of mastery/execution of commands, and perception of learning.

This is not a sentence or a reason to give up, but information for thought and a warning the upbringing, socialization, and Chow Chow training is a complex and important part of the content.

Chow Chow Character

It’s all about the non-gift nature of the breed. Chow chows are incredibly individual. From birth and throughout their lives, Chows are adamantly aware of themselves as Individuals. This dog cannot be forced or bribed with treats. It is impossible to train a chow chow under control.

She won’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. That’s why the breed has a trail of labels stubborn, aggressive, and not amenable to training.

Socialization first step during Chow Chow training

Introduction into the social environment, learning the norms and rules of living in society. Socialization is mandatory from early childhood.

Socialization Chow Chow

Long before handing over the puppy to the owners, a responsible breeder must prepare the young animals for future life react to strangers without aggression, and adequately perceive the environment outside their habitat.

The most important part of socialization accustoming the Chow Chow to children. The child must know how to hold a puppy in his arms and how to communicate in a way that is pleasant for all participants in the process.

Personal contact between the owner and the pet is also important. Pick up your dog more often and talk to it.

And, of course, expansion of living space. Introduce your puppy to your home, car, nearby parks, and walking areas. Adapt the dog, support, and help overcome the fear of the new and unknown.

And then your Chow will radiate goodwill, balance, and reliability. And with this, you will inspire confidence in your pet and the breed as a whole.

Related: Akita dog training

Raising Chow Chow

A characterful and strong-willed Chow Chow needs a tough and stubborn owner. From birth, puppies manipulate those around them. This is unacceptable.

Raising Chow Chow

Slowly but systematically introduce the new family member to the Rules of Living in a Pack. Voice the norm law and monitor the exact execution of the order. Do not make allowances for the youth, toy-like charm, and supposed sofa nature of the breed. All your demands are unconditional and must be fulfilled.

Basic components of child upbringing


An easy, easily recognizable nickname. It should be associated only with positive feelings.

collar and leash

The habit of walking harnesses is extremely important. Willful Chows often reject this unpleasant reality. Never force a harness or leash on.

Just place the leash next to your puppy’s toys, let him get used to the smell of the new thing, and start putting on the harness or leash for a short time, as if playing.


Chows are very clean. Puppies quickly learn everything about the toilet and get used to being patient until the next time they go for a walk. Help your pet in this most important endeavor: walk more often, especially after sleeping and eating.

And most importantly do not let yourself be deceived by this small ivy toy. React harshly to any insubordination or wrongdoing. If a puppy gets used to endless freedom, he will grow up to be an ill-mannered dog with unpredictable behavior.

Key Training Steps for Chow Chows

Chow Chow training includes the standard stages of developing obedience and behavior skills.

The basic ones are:

  • Upproach by command, gesture, or signal
  • Ending unwanted activity
  • Moving nearby.

All of the above is really necessary and available for the Chow Chow. Follow the recommendations, consult with professionals, and be persistent and hardworking training a Chow Chow at home is a difficult but solvable task.

Some tips and tricks to train a Chow Chow

Walk your dog before training

Having had a walk and being tired, the Chow will be less distracted and work better.

Command clearly and once

Do not repeat the command dubbing will only disorient the dog and will lead to the fact that in the future he will obey only the second, third, and so on.

Do not reinforce the order with additional (unnecessary) words. Form Sit, whoever I tell you wrong.

The dog gets tired and needs rest

Excessive training is harmful and inappropriate. Always remember: this is a living being, not a robot.

The object of training is unusual

When commanded to sit the Chow falls back, this is not a vice, this is a given of the breed. A similar situation with Lie Down the Chow rolls over the croup.

Train a Chow Chow

Love and know your Chow

Knowledge of habits and preferences will help in choosing a specialization. Ignore fetching don’t try fetching the item, it’s useless. The pet is heavy on the rise forget the dog kart.

Obedience always and everywhere

Persistently and persistently achieve unconditional obedience in any situation. Having achieved the correct execution of the command in calm and familiar conditions complicates the task and artificially creates non-standard situations.

When raising and training a Chow Chow, do everything seriously, regardless of the cost of time and effort. Having abandoned education and training, it is useless to start again: the chow-chow has already understood that the requirement is not mandatory.

With a systematic approach, perseverance, and perseverance, everything will definitely work out a truly well-bred and trained Chow Chow will delight you and everyone around you for many years.

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