What Is The Reason For Golden Retriever Howling?

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Many people have asked questions about Golden Retriever howling Does Golden Retriever really howl? The short answer to that question is yes. There are some possible reasons why Golden Retrievers howl like wolves we discuss them step by step

The dog howls to recall a female in heat

This is not one of the most common reasons, but a dog that howls and at the same time behaves a bit “unusual” could simply have perceived the presence of a female in heat.

The mating season can put the owners to the test because both males and females completely change their attitude and, unable to control their instincts, they indulge in slightly extreme forms of communication.

Just think of the behavior of the dog eyeing a female in heat, attracted by her smell even at very great distances.

We’re talking about a dog that not only howls but barks more frequently than usual, starts marking its territory by urinating almost compulsively, scratches furniture and walls and even becomes aggressive.

Even baby food doesn’t seem to attract him anymore as before and in fact, he doesn’t eat almost anything and just drool and pant as if he couldn’t breathe properly.

It goes without saying that all these behaviors are typical of dogs that have not been sterilized so that, in a completely natural way, they respond to the survival instinct of the species and therefore to the call for reproduction.

The dog howls to recall a female in heat

Communication between dogs

Sometimes howling is due to communication between dogs It’s the closest thing to “calling a friend”, but when you hear another dog howling, it will howl in an attempt to communicate with that dog. It is believed that you are here and that you make distant sounds to signal that something is happening.

Some dogs look out the window and howl when there is no sound this is thought to be an attempt to communicate by catching other dogs’ howls at a level that is inaudible to the human ear. This is most likely when the howling stops after some time.

It may also react to the sound of sirens or televisions, for the same reason. According to the Humane Society of America, in addition to being meant to get attention, dogs howl out of fear of being separated from their owners and companions.

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Dogs who live in a pack and are highly conscious may suddenly howl in order to find their mate (owner) as they become anxious due to loneliness when they are alone for an extended period of time. Also, there seems to be an interpretation that howling itself relieves stress.

To attract attention

They may also make howling sounds to attract people’s attention. Also, if the owner asks “What’s wrong?” when they howl, they may learn and howl.

Golden Retriever howling at night

The reason is certainly attributable to the fact that they remain alone perhaps simply because the owners sleep in another room. The dog, especially if not used to being alone, howls to show the desire to be reunited with its owners. Some of them may also howl because they have found something, perhaps in the garden or in a corner of the house, this is a behavior linked more to hunting dogs. Or the golden retriever howls after hearing a noise to warn the enemy of his presence.

Why do Golden Retrievers howl at night?

How to stop Golden Retriever howling?

If you want to correct the howling, some training with the owner can help correct it. Let’s find out how to correct dog howling even beginner dog owners can try.

The importance of rewards

When a Golden Retriever puppy howls, don’t start feeding it treats or play to stop it. If the owner exhibits this behavior, the dog will take her howling as a positive behavior and may repeat howling habitually to satisfy its own needs.

Ignore it.

If your dog habitually howls to get a treat or toy, ignoring it is the first step in correcting it. You have to train them that even howling won’t get them any more rewards. You should avoid giving treats, petting, or hugging them and ignore them without paying attention until the howling stops.

The right reward

When your puppy stops howling and becomes quiet, you should reward him with small treats and praise. This way your puppy will understand that by stopping whining and being quiet, he will get your attention and be rewarded. When you howl, you have to repeat several times to ignore it and reward it when it is quiet so that the dog can understand the contents of the training.

How to stop Golden Retriever howling?

Understand the command

The timing of compensation is important, but the effect is even better if you train the command together. When the puppy becomes quiet after barking, you should reward it with praise and a small number of treats while shouting commands such as ‘quiet’, ‘shh’, and ‘stop’. This training makes the dog recognize that commands such as ‘shh’, ‘quiet’, and ‘stop’ are ‘no barking’ and at the same time accept it as a reward.


Unlike humans, dogs cannot be trained through conversation, so they must repeat the same training several times to fully understand and accept it. Also, the content of training should always be consistent. You shouldn’t get angry or scolded if your puppy doesn’t follow training easily. She should attempt to train in ample time.

Golden Retriever howling at the siren

In the case of the siren, specifically, it is very probable that the golden retriever associates this sound with howling because in fact the sound frequencies are quite similar and it is possible that it confuses them in some way.

So technically when your dog starts howling like hell at a passing ambulance with its siren on, he’s instinctively responding to a familiar sound.

This is not always the case and it is not true for any sound or noise. In many cases, the howl could express fear, fear, or discomfort.

This is the case with particularly loud sounds, such as church bells,

That’s when the dog not only howls but starts barking, pacing around the room, and is visibly shaken.

Returning, however, to howling in response to sound stimuli similar to the cries of a dog, in some cases we could link this behavior to the childhood experience of our four-legged friend.

Puppies learn a lot from their parents during the first months of life and learning takes place mainly by imitating their behavior.

Therefore, if our dog as a puppy saw his mother or father howl at certain sounds, it is very likely that he will do the same when he is an adult.


Our article about Golden Retriever howling comes to an end with the result that Golden Retriever howling is not a big problem sometimes it may be due to communication between dogs or sometimes ar siren voice your dog starts howling any other reasons that we discuss before this is common for dogs to howl in such situations

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