American Akita Vs Japanese Akita| Historical Chronicles

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In our comparison of the American Akita vs Japanese Akita, one point is important to note that The American Akita and Japanese Akita are two separate breeds the differences are in small things like appearance, color, size, and individual skills.

The wonderful aristocrats of the dog world, a big American Japanese dog, and the ancient island spitz known as Akita inu (in English, Akita inu) are famous, liked, and wanted all around the world.

They have cute slanting smiles, a calm and dignified look, strong power, and a determined nature that comes from their unique background. People in the dog-loving community love them a lot and they set the style in global dog shows.

People who visit pet shows and displays often wonder why these closely related animals are competing in different areas, and how dogs from the same family can be placed in different groups in international dog registries.

Akita looking backside

American Akita Vs Japanese Akita Historical background

After Japan surrendered in World War II, American soldiers took many dogs of the Akita Inu breed from Japan. These special and strong dogs became popular in the United States because Americans like unique looks and new things.

American breeders started changing the dogs to fit their preferences. They are good at making dogs better and more attractive. This made people around the world excited, but some Japanese dog lovers were upset because they wanted to keep things the traditional way.

The story of how the American Akita breed developed is complicated and involves arguments and disagreements. It’s all about creating rules for how these dogs should look and act.

The American Akita became popular quickly in the U.S. In 1952, a group for Akita lovers was started. They made many puppies and the Akita population grew a lot. By 1960, the Akita group joined a big dog organization.

This made Japanese dog lovers upset. The Americans made their own rules for how the Akita should be, and the Japanese didn’t agree. They argued a lot, but couldn’t find a solution.

Finally, in 1992, the American and Japanese groups agreed to let each other’s dogs be shown and brought into the country. But things still weren’t calm because of a global dog organization.

This organization said that the place where a breed comes from gets to say how it should look. The American Akitas didn’t match the standard they wanted, so there was a split. On June 1, 1999, they officially separated the American Akita and the Japanese Akita into two different types.

American Akita vs Japanese Akita physical appearance

A big Japanese dog called the American Akita is a large and well-built animal with a square shape. It’s easy to tell the American Akita apart from other breeds because of its size and impressive strength. This dog has a strong body shape and a big head that resembles that of a bear.

His eyes are calm and shaped like almonds, and they slant a little. The American Akita has a dark mask on its face, which is not present in the Japanese version of the breed.

Compared to the small Akita Inu from the islands, the American Akita is larger in terms of height, weight, and body proportions.

Japanese Akita physical appearence

The height of the “continentals” (American Akitas) can be between 66 and 71 centimeters at the shoulder. These dogs weigh around 45 to 65 kilograms when they’re fully grown. The relationship between their height and body length is roughly 9:10 for males and 9:11 for females.

Japanese Akita vs American Akita coat and color

The complicated characteristics of the Japanese dogs are simplified in the American version. The American coat is described in a more straightforward way compared to the intricate Japanese three-layer fur combination. It consists of a coarse outer layer and a thick, warm undercoat.

The American standard is lenient and open when it comes to colors. Many colors and shades are allowed. The American rules permit spotting, piebald patterns, and spotting patterns. The recommended mask on the face can also be a spot or a colored blaze. However, the “liver” color on the muzzle, nose, and paw pads is not accepted.

The American standard declares clear and pure colors, distinct outlines of spots, and uniformity of markings. The American approach is inclusive and doesn’t have strict disqualifications. The most important aspect of the reference guidelines is the difference in color between the undercoat and the outer coat.

American Akita vs Japanese Akita Temperament

The big American Akita has a friendly and stable temperament. They are calm, peaceful, and easygoing. The increase in size actually had a positive impact on their behavior. These dogs became less aggressive and more agreeable, unlike their restless and assertive nature in the past.

The larger size also affected their hunting instincts. American Akitas became more tolerant towards smaller pets and animals in the household.

Japanese Akita temperament

Their skills as guards and sentinels remained unchanged. They are loyal to their owners and protective of their homes. Despite the changes over time, the working abilities of the American Akita are still present. These dogs are employed by security and law enforcement agencies due to their skills.

Key differences between American Akita and Japanese Akita

When carefully comparing the two types of Akitas, it becomes clear that the American Akita and Japanese Akita are different from each other in many ways. Differences in size, appearance details, behavior, and personality traits lead to the conclusion that these large spitz-shaped dogs, popular around the world, are essentially separate breeds.

Key distinctions are as follows:

Size: American Akitas, even the females, are more massive and weigh more than the Japanese males. However, both types are impressive and strong.

Color: The Akita Inu from Japan is found in just three colors white, red, and brindle. Having a dark mask on Japanese Akitas is not allowed. On the other hand, the American version allows for a wider variety of colors.

Coat Structure: Japanese Akitas have softer and fluffier coats compared to their American counterparts.

Socialization: Japanese Akita Inus tend to be more independent and stubborn, with a tougher and more complex character. American Akitas, in contrast, are more adaptable and friendly towards others.


Do not confuse two different breeds. The American and Japanese Akita are completely different dogs, the differences which you need to know and take into account when choosing a pet. we recommend you choose American Akita.

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