Long-Haired Akita History And Breed Characteristics

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Here is the short history of how long-haired Akita appears. The fact is that the gene responsible for the circular pattern is recessive (suppressed) and appears only if it is present in the DNA of both parents. When a female and a male, are carriers of the same gene, interbreed, part of the offspring is born not quite ordinary.

This is not always a good many hereditary diseases are transmitted in this way. But often a weak sign does not carry danger but is just a nice external feature. This is how lop-eared cats, curly rabbits, and people with circular patterns on their fingers are born. This is how the long-haired Akita Inu appeared.

In some cases, animals with non-standard qualities become the ancestors of new breeds, in others, deviations from the standard are considered undesirable. You are unlikely to be able to breed and exhibit a long-haired Akita for judges, long hair is a disadvantage.

But many of those who get a dog “for love” are specifically looking for fluffies. They are really beautiful they combine the harmonious body and intelligent muzzle of the Akita with the rich fur of real northerners.

There is a version that the Akita long-haired gene was inherited from the Sakhalin Husky (Japanese Karafuto-ken) sled dogs with which the Japanese Inu were crossed in the 30s of the XX century, reconstructing the native breed. It is possible, although the truth cannot be established now. From time to time, fluffy puppies are born even in kennels, where all Akitas have always been standard.

Long coat Akita care and maintenance

Long-haired representatives of the breed, like ordinary ones, have a two-layer coat, consisting of a stiff awn and a thick short undercoat. The owners of long-haired Akitas have developed rules that make it possible to simplify the maintenance of the fur coat of the beast in order and prevent the appearance of tangles.

Long-Haired Akita care
  • Combine the dog at least twice a week (except for individuals with soft hair prone to matting it is recommended to combine them more often).
  • Lightly dampen the coat before treating it with water or detangling spray (this is the preferred option).
  • Use an antistatic spray, especially in winter (but let your dog dry completely before going outside).
  • Use a furminator or slicker and comb for long guard hair.
  • Bathe the pet as it gets dirty (but not often optimally a couple of times a year), protecting it from drafts during drying.

The colors of the fluffy Akita Inu do not differ from the colors of the shorthair. There are three main colors recognized by the FCI

  • Red: It is also red, white hair on the inner surfaces of the paws, stomach, and throat (classic Akita inu, the shade varies from soft peach to rich)
  • White: (not very popular)
  • Brindle: (black, red, or silver).

Managing Heat Sensitivity in Akita Inu Dogs

The fact is that Akitas in their two-layer fur coat are adapted to low temperatures, not like these dogs (huskies, malamutes), but much stronger than European breeds. This is convenient when kept in a temperate climate (especially during the cold season), but becomes a problem when it is hot summer outside.

Long-haired Akita dogs tolerate heating hard. Akita Inu is not recommended to be cut (this violates the structure of the coat and spoils the undercoat), so you have to do with sparing methods. Owners who are faced with this problem advise

  • Walk with your pet only in the morning and in the evening, avoiding the period when the sun is at its zenith.
  • Regulate the intensity of training, preventing the dog from overexerting.
  • Feed your dog a light meal, reducing its fat content.
  • Moisten the neck, paws, and stomach of the pet with cool water.

Related: Long-haired Golden Retriever

By The Way

There is an opinion that the long-haired gene is also useful for short-haired Akitas because the quality of the down depends on it. Theoretically, all its carriers can be excluded from breeding this will reduce the likelihood of the appearance of long breeds in future litters. But this will negatively affect the undercoat its density, density, and ability to retain heat. So fluffy dogs are good for the breed as a whole.

American Akita: The Evolution of a Long-Haired Japanese Dog Breed

American Akita also happens to be long-haired. Americans are larger and more powerful than their Japanese relatives, they are recognized as a separate breed, but their ancestors are the very Akitas, one of which was filmed in the melodrama about Hachiko.

There are two main versions of the events that led to the birth of American Akita as a breed.

Future Americans were brought to the US by soldiers after World War II. Japanese dogs were an overseas curiosity, and it was impossible to cross them with relatives for lack of such. As a result of multiple cross-breed matings (at first unsystematic, random), a new breed was formed.

American Akita with long hair

The Japanese themselves bred the breed, saving their pets from extermination during the war years and their case with shepherd dogs the only breed that was considered suitable for service in wartime and therefore was protected.

American soldiers brought to the United States an already “ready” mestizo. Owners of American longhairs are in the same situation as owners of Japanese ones according to the standard, Akitas with long hair are considered a breed marriage. This, however, does not prevent the “marriage” from having an army of loyal admirers who are ready to wait for the birth of just such a puppy.


These dogs are not specially bred, but they have their fans. They show dominance, loyalty to the owner, love for active entertainment, developed intelligence, and the instinct to protect the territory.

A long-haired Akita dog will become your true friend and guardian provided that you give him enough attention and bring him up well. His shaggy feature does not affect household needs, health, and life expectancy he is the same as everyone else, just fluffy. The specific features of the exterior complicate only the care of the coat.

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