Some Best Ways Of Exercise For Golden Retriever

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Exercise for golden retrievers is as important as for human beings The Golden Retriever is a breed designed for hunting and therefore has a lot of energy to spend. Every dog ​​requires a minimum level of physical activity and with Goldens, this dose should be a little higher. we discuss some methods of exercise for golden retrievers.

Goldens without physical exercise and mental stimulation may exhibit unwanted behavioral deviations. We must be careful when exercising Golden Retriever puppies as they are not yet fully formed. Because it is a breed that grows very fast, they can have joint problems, and therefore physical exercise up to 18 months of age must be well supervised.

Golden Retriever exercise plan

We have step by step plan for your golden retriever exercise you should follow these steps to make your golden retriever energetic in exercise


The route of exercise should be changed regularly, and don’t only follow the same fixed route every day. During exercise, it should be prevented from using its nose to smell the excrement or other objects left by other golden retriever training golden retriever dogs, let alone let golden retriever dogs Do not put golden retrievers in places where people or other golden retrievers gather to prevent certain diseases from being in contact with dogs.


Under a safe environment, you can give the golden retriever some plastic colloid toys, let it play freely, or lead it to run.


For working dogs such as golden retrievers or police golden retrievers, swimming in summer is a good whole-body exercise, which can train golden retrievers to be well-proportioned. Fast movement in the open and flying over obstacles can make the structure of the shoulders well-developed and promote the development of the chest, especially the front chest. In order to temper the springing ability of dorsal muscles and rear area, be able to perform activities such as jumping board wall obstacles, high obstacles, and continuous obstacles.

In order to exercise the dog’s speed step, you can carry out a bicycle rope traction exercise, combined with the movement of changing directions in a curve, it can also exercise the flexibility of the dog’s whole body joints and the agility of movement. There are various forms of exercise for golden retrievers, which can be selected according to different purposes.

Generally, golden retrievers for rewards mainly carry out exercises for health care, while golden retrievers for service need special performance exercises. After returning from exercise. Drink enough clean water for the golden retriever, dry the whole body with a towel, and brush off the dust. Do not feed immediately after exercise, at least 30 minutes of quiet rest, otherwise prone to vomiting.

How to conduct comprehensive exercise for golden retriever dog


In order to let the golden retriever grow up healthily and enhance its resistance ability of the golden retriever, the golden retriever needs to be exercised in daily life. According to its characteristics, corresponding exercise methods are provided. The following introduces the main points of the golden retriever exercise.


There should be proper exercise every day. You can’t do it casually according to the dog’s will, sometimes several times a day, sometimes once every few days.


When going out to exercise, the pet grooming golden retriever should be put on a leash. Especially on the streets of the urban area, do not neglect the loose belt and let it hang around freely, so as not to be hit by a car or disturb pedestrians, or fight with other pet dogs, especially pay attention to prevent pedestrians from being bitten.

Unfavorable Methods for Golden Retriever Exercise

Like humans, exercise is also very necessary for golden retriever dogs, for example: walking, playing frisbee, and holding things are all good exercises. But for golden retriever puppies, we should pay attention to a few points, because some sports methods are not good for golden retriever puppies, or are even harmful. Therefore, we should pay special attention to the following four points: 

Golden Retriever puppies should not start exercising prematurely

Golden Retriever puppies don’t need much exercise, especially in hot weather. There is no need to go out for special exercise before four months, because the puppy is still relatively delicate at this time, and the bones have not yet fully developed, so early exercise is not good for the puppy. From four to six months, you can start to take the little golden retriever for a walk.

The best exercise for a Golden Retriever puppy is a casual game run on the grass. But don’t let the dog walk too far at the beginning, and gradually increase the walking distance.

Don’t let the golden retriever puppies go up and down the stairs

Before the golden retriever puppy is four and a half months old, don’t let it climb frequently, such as going up and down stairs or cars by itself. If it is too high from the ground (such as the trunk), it is best to hold it. Don’t be afraid of trouble, if you take good care of it now, golden retrievers will get less sick in the future, and you won’t easily suffer from common bone and joint diseases in golden retrievers. You and your beloved golden retriever will be happier and happier in the future.

Do not run long distances

Before the golden retriever puppy is twelve months old, don’t take the dog to run fast. Because this puts too much stress on the bones that have not yet fully calcified (large dogs have similar problems). If you think your little gold is physically fit, you must train him to run. Remember not to run too far at the beginning, but gradually increase the running distance.

Pay attention to adult dogs

Never allow Golden Retriever puppies (under 12 months) to play roughly with other dogs, especially older dogs. The fast-growing limbs of a Golden Retriever puppy can be easily injured.

Pay attention to adult dogs when golden retriever puppies go out for exercise

Do not make these mistakes after exercise

Recommended exercise for golden retrievers is about 2 hours a day. Mistakes are unacceptable, see if you are one of them and start exercising your dog in a right way

Drink water immediately

After exercising, the golden retriever must not be allowed to drink water immediately, because the body temperature of the golden retriever is still rising at this time. If the golden retriever drinks water immediately, it will affect the health of the stomach. should be to let the golden retriever rest for a while, and finally, It’s best to rest for about five minutes and give it a drink of water

Take a bath immediately

Do not bathe the golden retriever immediately after exercising. Bathing the golden retriever immediately will have an impact on its body because the blood of the golden retriever just after exercise is still in the limbs and muscles. Bathing the golden retriever immediately will heart cause brain damage. The blood supply is insufficient, so the golden retriever who has just finished exercising should let it rest for an hour before bathing it


After exercising, never let the golden retriever eat a lot. It is not good for the golden retriever’s stomach, and it is easy to cause gastrointestinal indigestion. The correct way is to let the golden retriever go home after exercise and let it rest for half an hour before feeding. It is usually recommended not to Take your golden retriever out for a lot of exercises at meal times

Nutrition after exercise

Golden Retrievers need to rest more after a lot of exercise. It is usually suggested that in order to make Golden Retrievers have a good body and physique, the food must be fresh and nutritious. It is also not recommended to feed Golden Retrievers with leftovers. Eating too much will easily cause Golden Retrievers to eat too much For hair loss and tear marks, the staple food is recommended to be dog food. When choosing dog food, it is recommended to choose some natural dog food that is rich in nutrients, high in protein, low in fat, low in salt, and low in oil. It not only provides nutrition but also relieves hair loss

Should exercise properly

Let the golden retriever exercise for 2 hours every day, and don’t increase the amount of exercise for the golden retriever every day because you didn’t exercise yesterday. The exercise should be appropriate. In addition to exercise, you can also do some training for the golden retriever. After all Golden Retrievers have a high IQ and are easy to train. During training, Golden Retrievers can be rewarded with some snacks of chicken jerky, chicken wrapped around French fries as encouragement, and Golden Retrievers will do better even with snacks

Golden retriever training snacks

The IQ of golden retrievers ranks fourth. Training golden retrievers can be said to be quite simple. The owner only needs to do about ten movements, and golden retrievers can probably learn it. When training golden retrievers, you must pay attention to clear and simple passwords. If the Golden Retriever does well, you can reward it with some delicious snacks

Golden retriever training snacks:

Which one is best for the Golden Retriever exercise?

Golden Retrievers are large and medium-sized dogs, and they have a relatively large amount of exercise. Compared with female Golden Retrievers, male Golden Retrievers have more energy. It is no exaggeration to say that they are simply a motor that will never get tired and can last 24 hours a day. The hours ticked on and on.

Many pet owners who raised a male golden retriever said that since raising it, they have almost done all the exercise in their life. Walking the dog every day is afraid that they will collapse, which is terrible!


Our article about the Golden Retriever exercise comes to an end with the conclusion that Golden Retriever needs proper training and exercise. Golden Retrievers gain weight very quickly so with proper exercise you can control the weight of your golden retriever dog your dog will become lazy if you reduce exercise. if you want to read more about Golden Retriever then you can visit my site

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