6-Month-Old Golden Retriever Growth Chart, Training, And Weight

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Watching the growth of a Golden Retriever in front of their eyes is a real pleasure for every pet owner. A 6-month-old Golden Retriever already learns many things but he is still a puppy you need to take care of your puppy very much. In this article, we discuss some growth charts, training characteristics, and the weight of a 6-month-old Golden Retriever.

6-month-old Golden Retriever care

At 6 months, Golden Retrievers will grow to about half the weight of an adult dog. previously, it was not easy to hold and control urine, but at this time, you will be able to maintain it without urinating for 3 to 5 hours.

At the age of one year, your Golden retriever can be considered an adult dog in physical terms such as height and weight. However, they are still mentally immature. It can also be said that it is also the time to develop more physically because muscle mass gradually increases from this time. After 1year and 6months, it can be said that it is a time to mature physically and mentally as well as emotionally

6-month-old Golden Retriever care

Female Golden Retriever weight growth chart by months

Here is the weight of the female Golden Retriever

AgeThe LeastMost Average
7 week old 3 lbs.25 lbs. 9 lbs.
8 week old 3 lbs.27 lbs. 11 lbs.
9 week old 7 lbs.27 lbs. 13 lbs.
10-week-old10 lbs.28 lbs. 17 lbs.
11-week-old 6 lbs.24 lbs. 17 lbs.
3-month-old 9 lbs.34 lbs. 23 lbs.
4-month-old 15 lbs.55 lbs. 33 lbs.
5-month-old20 lbs.67 lbs. 42 lbs.
6-month-old38 lbs.75 lbs. 52 lbs.
7-month-old35 lbs.75 lbs. 59 lbs.
8-month-old40 lbs.77 lbs. 61 lbs.
9-month-old45 lbs.77 lbs. 61 lbs.
10-month-old50 lbs.77 lbs. 63 lbs.
11-month-old55 lbs.77 lbs. 66 lbs.
1-year-old 65 lbs.77 lbs. 68 lbs.
2-year-old 65 lbs.80 lbs. 73 lbs.

In the following growth charts, there are the smallest and largest Golden Retriever puppy weights to show the wide range of Golden Retriever sizes. But, remember, bigger is not always better aim to keep your dog looking healthy and happy.

Dog growth happens in spurts and depends on the individual But, in general, you are looking for slow growth. Risks associated with your dog are growing too fast. These risks include bone disease and arthritis and they appear more often in large breeds like Golden Retrievers.

Too fast growth is caused by eating too much and low-quality food. When you read the ingredients on your puppy’s dog food, the first ingredient should be animal protein. If your puppy seems to be getting fat, cut back on the food.

6-month-old Golden Retriever training

Golden Retriever is a very docile and lovely dog. It is deeply loved by people, and many people choose to keep it. Generally speaking, it is best to choose puppies to raise Golden Retrievers. So the training effect will be better, but there are also some people who buy Golden Retrievers that are relatively large, even reaching the age of six months.

At this time the problem. How to train a 6-month-old Golden Retriever becomes a worry for many dog owners. Let me share with you the training method.

1 How to train a 6-month-old Golden Retriever

In fact, on the whole, training a Golden Retriever 6-month-old is not different from training a Golden Retriever puppy, but you should pay attention to food intake choose regular and healthy dog food, and pay attention to controlling food intake when feeding a Golden Retriever It is best to keep the weight of an adult golden retriever within 70 kg.

If he is only 6 months old, then he should be slightly lighter because Golden Retrievers are too fat it is not good for the body, especially the stress on the joints heart, and lungs.

2 Avoid developing bad habits

In terms of eating, we should pay attention to avoid developing bad habits for the Golden Retriever. Some owners like to obey the dog’s meaning. Once it does not give it when it seems to eat, it will protest. If the owner obeys the dog at this time If the dog wants to give it food, it will undoubtedly develop a bad habit, and then it will refuse to obey the owner’s wishes through a protest in the future, so this point must be avoided.

6-month-old Golden Retriever training

3 Traction walking training

Let the dog be familiar with the existence of the collar and leash, and even let it know that this is an indispensable part of life because the 6-month-old Golden Retriever is already relatively strong, so be sure to pull it well when you take it out for a walk pull the rope, once you find that it wants to run around, pull the rope immediately, let it know that such behavior is not advisable, the effect may not be so good at the beginning, just be patient and repeat it a few times.

The above is about how to train a 6-month-old Golden retriever Have you learned it?

Potty training

You can expect most puppies to gradually increase their bladder capacity until they last up to six hours or so by 6 months of age.

But the worst of it is over before then

If your puppy is over four months old, you should be well on your way to becoming the proud owner of a clean, house-trained pet.

Remember, use any puppy training schedule as a very rough guide

Let’s finish with some tips for teaching your puppy how to ask to go to the bathroom.

Potty training a puppy in public places

Once you have regular success in this regard, you can start making short trips to public buildings where puppies are welcomed.

Again, supervise closely and keep visits short until you’re sure your puppy understands that all pooping and peeing must take place outside in the fresh air.

Once your puppy really understands that toilet dogs work outside, you can teach him if you want to ask him when he wants to go out.

Teach your puppy to look for a way out

The first thing to say is that some puppies do this quite naturally. They come to the door and stand with their little noses pressed together or squeal a little or scratch the door with their paw.

Some puppies will go to their owner rather than the door and give a little whine or bark. If you want your puppy to do this, then all you need to do is immediately reward him every time he does this by letting him out the door and following him to his toilet.

For starters, don’t let him out, then close the door with him on the other side and you on the inside.

If he doesn’t like being alone, that will stop him from looking for a date pretty quickly.

Make sure that ‘seeking’ is always rewarded with an experience he enjoys.
If your puppy does not ask to go out, you can teach him to ring or ring the bell.

You can buy bells for training dogs quite cheaply. They look a bit like a dog lead with two sets of bells of different lengths to suit dogs of different sizes.

Simply hang them over a doorknob or knob and they jingle when your dog touches them.

Teach your puppy to look for a way out

What if a 6-month-old Golden Retriever has diarrhea?

When the 6-month-old Golden Retriever suffers from diarrhea, the owner should not blindly take measures and feed medicine indiscriminately, as this will not help the Golden Retriever. In this regard, the owner should observe the symptoms of the Golden Retriever first and then take corresponding measures. So what are the reasons and solutions? Let me tell you in detail

1 The mat is not thick enough, and the stomach catches a cold

When the weather is relatively cold, if the owner gives the Golden Retriever a thick enough cotton cloth, when it rests at night, it is likely that the cold air on the ground will invade its body from its stomach. cause the Golden Retriever to suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort. If the situation is more serious, the symptoms of diarrhea will appear. In such a situation, the owner can take timely measures to keep warm to help it.

2 Do not control food intake, poor digestion in the stomach

The stomach of a 6-month-old Golden Retriever is not as good as that of an adult dog. When feeding daily, you need to control the amount of food, otherwise, you may overeat.

The digestion time of dogs is relatively short. If there is no way to digest the food in the stomach within the specified time, the phenomenon of gastrointestinal indigestion will occur. A common manifestation is diarrhea.

3 There are too many parasites in the intestinal tract

Dogs need to be dewormed every season to eliminate excessive intestinal parasites. If you have not dewormed the Golden Retriever for a long time, there will be too many parasites in the intestinal tract, which will also cause diarrhea.

Can see if there are red blood and white worms in the stool of the Golden Retriever? If so, it means the diaphragm is caused by internal parasites. At this time, feed it some pet deworming medicine.

Finally, the owner pays attention to observing whether the Golden Retriever has symptoms such as high fever, vomiting, blood in the stool, listlessness, and smelly stool. If there is, it may be suffering from canine distemper or parvo.

At this time, The owner needs to send the Golden Retriever to the pet hospital for diagnosis and treatment immediately, Don’t delay!

6-month-old Golden Retriever has diarrhea

How much sleep does a 6-month-old Golden Retriever need

Dogs can sleep for 10 to 18 hours a day, and puppies of several months can sleep for more than 20 hours. They are very flexible. They basically sleep when they want to sleep, and they don’t sleep when they don’t want to.

It is impossible to ask them according to human time. If you ignore it and have nothing else to do, it will naturally go to sleep. Of course, if you are not at home to play with it during the day, it will naturally remain excited when you come home at night because most of it is sleeping when you are not around.

How far can I walk a 6-month-old Golden Retriever puppy

If you’re wondering how much exercise your 6-month-old Golden Retriever puppy should get, a general rule of thumb is to take your puppy’s age at 6 months. Multiply this by five to find how many minutes your dog can walk for each session. This is an average of two walks per day.

Older puppies will need more exercise. A 6-month-old Golden Retriever dog can take long walks or short hikes (if your vet helps you make sure he’s healthy and for him), for example, long hikes on wasteland or heavy link class. may be dangerous.

Some of the basic commands your dog is ready to learn include sitting, stay, heel, and no. You may also want to try walking on a rope. At home, practice is important, but it’s also a good idea to seek professional help.

Possible reasons for low growth of Golden Retriever puppy

There are many reasons why a Golden Retriever may not reach normally. Here we have counted a few

It can be a mixed race
It doesn’t have to be, but it shouldn’t be ruled out.

Small parents or grandparents
There are upper and lower height limits. If both parents are young, the young will also grow up small.

The wrong diet
Getting the right nutrients is important during the growth phase. In a Golden Retriever, by the age of one year, bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles accumulate. Here it is best to seek the advice of the breeder or veterinarian.

Tip If you have the chance, you can compare the size with fellow littermates. Many conclusions about size can be drawn from this. To be sure if the dog is normal, you should ask the breeder or the vet.

Golden Puppy takes walk and playing

Golden Retriever breeder research

A well-kept Golden Retriever puppy will usually cost you upwards of $1000 in the USA (£800 in the UK).

However, this price will be very high for high-quality dogs. It also varies depending on your location and needs.

Don’t forget that the selling price is just the beginning. Your biggest expense may be annual health insurance. It’s a good idea to get some quotes for this – it will be several hundred dollars a year.

You can find breeders through your national Golden Retriever breeder club.

The Golden Retriever Club of America
The Golden Retriever Club (UK)
The National Golden Retriever Council (Australia)
The Golden Retriever Club of Canada

If you email the club’s secretary they can let you know of reputable breeders in your area


Our article about 6-month-old golden retriever growth chart, training, characteristics, and weight is just a guide to show you how can you groom your golden retriever puppy many dog owners have confusion regarding the lower growth of their golden retriever puppies we also discuss some possible reasons for golden retriever puppy low growth.

Golden Retriever will become your great life partner if you adopt him in the puppy stage and train your golden retriever puppy in the right way you must know that golden retrievers need proper care and complete training if you are busy working and you have no time for your puppy than golden retriever is not a good choice for you

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