300+Best Names For Akita| Nicknames For Male And Female Akita

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When a dog appears in the house, the owner faces many difficulties. How to provide proper care, what to feed, where to equip the place, and how often you need to walk the Akita Inu. But, the very first thing you have to decide is how to name an Akita puppy.

There are a number of random names for Akita on social media but we have a list of names that fulfill the condition of the Akita dog character. After all, you want the name to be not only consonant and exciting, but also carry a subtext that characterizes the pet, its appearance, and its character still puzzling over what to name an Akita Inu. Then be sure to read to the end!

How to choose names for Akita?

Akita Inu are noble animals with royal roots. Previously, they guarded the emperors, were the right hand of the warrior, and helped the hunters. Therefore, it is unlikely that the nicknames of an Akita inu such as Bobik and Druzhok will be appropriate. Such names will come in handy for domestic and outbred dogs, but not for such animals with a rich history.

If you purchased a dog from a kennel, then most likely the breeder has already given the name for the Akita dog, which is indicated in the puppy documents. As a rule, it is quite complex and abstruse, not always having diminutive affectionate forms.

choose names for Akita

There is a fashion in nurseries to name animals according to certain rules. For example, the entire litter goes under nicknames starting with the letter A or K. Sometimes the last letter of the name of one of the parents is taken, or all names for Akita girls are called according to the same principle, and boys according to the father’s line.

If the name of the Akita given in the nursery does not suit you, then you will have to change it. In the documents, your pet will remain with a nickname given in accordance with the rules of the nursery.

How to name an Akita?

To choose the fitting Akita names, carefully look and observe your pet. It is not necessary to name the dog on the day of purchase. Let the day be better the other one is like without a specific nickname, while you pick up a decent one. Haste is not appropriate here.

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It should be understood that the nicknames of the Akita dog are given to the animal once and for all life. Changing nicknames every other day according to your mood is highly undesirable. So be responsible and don’t rush. Read the meaning of nicknames, because as they say, whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.

Pay attention to external features, perhaps it is in the animal itself that there is a clue how to nickname it. Do not lose sight of the little things in behavior and character. The habits and habits of the animal often play a decisive role. But, most importantly, remember that now your pet is a small, cute lump, but very soon he will turn into an adult, wise, full of dignity in his habits of a dog.

Best names for Akita

As we already mentioned, Akitas are aristocratic dogs, so the names for the Japanese Akita should be appropriate. Most often, such dogs are named according to historical roots that is, Japanese names and objects that can reliably describe a pet. But, for our hearing, sometimes these nicknames are complex and not consonant. We offer the most popular names for an Akita boy

  • Altalan, Aksus, Amethyst, Amulet, Amigo, Arman, Atilla
  • Barton, Baloo, Barcelona, ​​Banderos, Baloo, Blade, Bolto
  • Vircher, Woody, Valri, Welson
  • Damon, Darsen, Dortos, Darchi
  • Istus, Ivoli, Imrim, Emperor, Imus
  • Mulder, Matist, Mars, Marion, Malix, Malu, Marchi
  • Simon, Sunry, Savir, Sandi, Snuppy, Snoop
  • Freddie, Friend, Fanchi, Faust, Felix, FelixHeiko, Hanchi, Hunter, Houston, Hummi
Akita Inu dog japani names

Of course, this is not the whole list of nicknames that can be called American Akita and Japanese. You can continue indefinitely. But, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you can safely call the boy’s Akita Inu a funny, funny name, like Orange, Banzai, Cupcake, Kawasaki, Roll, Sushi, or Yakutsa.

Japanese names for male Akita with meaning

Japanese Akita NamesMeaning
DaitoreCommander in chief
DaitensaiTrue genius
DzaiIncommensurable wealth. Such a nickname will be according to the principle of our Baksik.
DaikaMeans your honor in Japanese.
OjiMan of royal blood.

But, it is worthwhile to understand that such Akita inu names with meaning must be positive.

American Girl Akita Names

You can call a dog Akita Inu a girl in different ways. And here it does not matter where she comes from, from Japan or the USA. But, nevertheless, if your dog is from the States, choose American nicknames for the Akita. The most suitable would be

  • Alika, Angela, Amira, Alista, Beauty, Bambi, Amber, Jerry
  • Jersey, Dakota, Demera, Jordana, Jacqueline, Milka, Mitty, Margaret
  • Marcy, Norrie, Nebira, Nalika, Oprah, Oceana, Olika, Olzet
  • Prince, Prexy, Reichie, Rachal, Rally, Rufa, Silene, Sally
  • Samira, Stefi, Stephanie, Shanti, Charlie, Sharon, Utah, Yusta, Yuvina, Yaska, Yarina

Japanese names for female Akita with meaning

It should be understood that if you need a nickname for an American Akita girl, it is not necessary to call her in an American way. Japanese names for Akita inu sound very beautiful and harmonious. For example

Japanese Akita Names Meaning
AkaneBrilliant, sparkling
AyakaA bright flower
KikuFlower, Chrysanthemum
MisekiBeautiful flower
Medoka Affectionate, calm
Seyera Tiny lily
Hotaru Moth
Yuka Happiness
Japanese names for female Akita


Of course, you can dream up a little and come up with a funny nickname for the Akita Inu dog, like Mimona, Sakura, Yakika, Ipin, Akatsuki, or Takibi.To come up with a nickname for an Akita Inu boy or girl is one of the most difficult tasks that rests on the shoulders of the owners immediately after the acquisition. Take your time and think carefully.

Read the meanings of words and their translation from a foreign language. Give preference to Japanese, because it is from there that animals come from. We are sure that you will be able to quickly find the perfect name that fully characterizes your pet.

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