3-Month-Old Golden Retriever Characteristics, Feeding, And Training

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The 3-month-old golden retriever looks very cute and cuddly. It is important for you to get proper information about the training and other characteristics of a 3-month-old golden retriever puppy. In this article, we will discuss every aspect that will help in raising your Golden Retriever puppy.

How big is the 3-month-old Golden Retriever?

Golden Retriever is a kind of dog breed that is particularly friendly, lively, and not afraid of strangers. It is relatively large in size. Generally speaking, when a Golden Retriever is three months old, its size will increase by leaps and bounds.

So how old is a 3-month-old Golden retriever? with different physiques who will have slightly different body shapes when they are three months old? According to the appearance of each Golden Retriever, their growth and development are also different.

Generally speaking, when a Golden Retriever is three months old, its bones and other organs begin to grow vigorously, and its body begins to change faster than before.

Some Golden Retrievers only weigh more than ten kilograms when they are three months old. , the owner must strictly choose the food for the Golden Retriever. Usually, after the 3-month-old Golden Retriever grows up It will affect its development, so the owner must let the Golden Retriever lay a good foundation for its body when it is young.

But we need to know one thing clear if you want to feed the golden retriever more, don’t feed it very full every time, it is not easy for the Golden Retriever to digest food that is too small, what we should do is not let the Golden Retriever eat The more the better, but let him eat nutritious, which is conducive to its future development. The little Golden Retriever three months ago should eat four meals a day.

Eat fewer and more meals so that the Golden Retriever can absorb the nutrition of the food, which is beneficial to its own development. We should pay attention to the development of Golden Retriever when it is young

3-month-old Golden Retriever food

It must be remembered that the selection of food is a purely individual matter. One dog may be suitable for a particular brand of food, another may not be suitable and cause undesirable effects.

Experience and common sense will help you in this matter and, of course, our recommendations and advice. It is important to remember that in the first year, the puppy should get the best.

Dry food is convenient, simple, without unnecessary hassle, and justifies itself in terms of money. At the same time, the puppy receives all the necessary vitamins, and minerals and grows and develops appropriately.

We recommend soaking the food for a single meal and only with warm boiled water at the rate of 100 g of dry food 300-350 g of water. The daily amount of unsoaked food is indicated on the food package. The norm must be selected according to the table based on the age of the puppy (or adult dog) and the current weight of the puppy.

This amount is divided by the number of feedings, and you get a one-time feed allowance. If you see that the puppy is getting fat, and becoming inactive, then you need to choose an individual daily feed rate for him. The package is given the average rate of feed.

For up to 4 months, Golden Retriever puppies practically do not drink the owner soaks the food in the water. But the drinking bowl should always be filled with fresh water. The frequency of feeding is gradually reduced by the year the dog eats strictly 1-2 times a day without snacks. After dinner, her bowl is taken away.

From the 3rd month, vitamin complexes are added to the puppy’s food. The most effective are those taken in courses with 1-2 monthly breaks

Food for a 3-month-old Golden Retriever

Female Golden Retriever Puppy Growth Chart by Months

Golden Retrievers are a highly sought-after dog breed. Goldens make good family pets because of their natural disposition, but they are also good at hunting and showing dogs.

A Golden Retriever’s growth through various stages of its puppyhood can be so irregular that it is easy to wonder if something is wrong. Generally, the answer is no growth is not linear for any dog ​​breed but instead occurs in spurts during the first 24 months of life.

Nevertheless, it is important to keep a close eye on your puppy at this delicate stage of his life, so it is fun and educational to know the growth sequence of your Golden Retriever.

AgeThe LeastMost Average
7 weeks5 lbs17 lbs. 9 lbs
8 weeks 5 lbs 17 lbs.10lbs
9 weeks 8 lbs 17 lbs 12 lbs
10 weeks 13 lbs 22 lbs 15 lbs
11weeks 12 lbs 22 lbs 17 lbs
3 months16 lbs 43 lbs 22 lbs
4 months25 lbs 44 lbs 30 lbs
5 months25 lbs 57 lbs 40 lbs
6 months27 lbs 72 lbs 44 lbs
7 months27 lbs 67 lbs 45 lbs
8 months40 lbs 67 lbs 52 lbs
9 months44 lbs 68 lbs 60 lbs
10 month 50 lbs68 lbs 60 lbs
11 months52 lbs 80 lbs 65 lbs
1-year55 lbs90 lbs 70 lbs
2 years55 lbs90 lbs 70 lbs

3-month-old Golden Retriever training

The third month of a puppy’s life is the perfect time to introduce him to his permanent human family. Spend a lot of time with the new puppy to socialize with him. However, be careful when the puppy moves around eight weeks or a little later, the puppy will experience the first period of fear.

During this time, any frightening experience has a lasting effect on the puppy. Work to prevent these fearful experiences, and if they do occur, immediately remove the puppy from whatever is causing the fear

3-month-old Golden Retriever, training should begin in earnest. Your dog’s attention span will likely still be short, but they are fully capable of understanding polite behavior. For example, you shouldn’t expect them to stay longer than a minute or two, but that doesn’t mean they can’t start learning the technique. By this time, they should be fully house-trained or close to it.

Your dog will tend to chew and bite anything it can get its hands on including you. Stay calm and redirect their attention to appropriate objects such as chew toys. Your Golden should be fully used to their new kibble at this stage, and you should feed them three or four times a day.

This is also an excellent time to introduce grooming routines such as brushing, dental hygiene, and nail trimming so that they are well received when the dog is an adult. Your 3-month-old golden retriever should also get a DHHP booster, which protects them from parvo, distemper, parainfluenza, and adenovirus.

3-month-old Golden Retriever training

Some puppies will not be able to last three hours without urinating in three months, while others will. This schedule is only for those who are ready.

6:00 a.mThe first day of the day is still urgent!
9:00 a.mMidday
12 noonAfter the second meal of the day
18:00After dinner, the last meal of the day
9:00 p.mOlder puppies may be more alert in the evening
11:00 p.mLast trip before bed

Keep in mind that your puppy may differ from the examples above and will need to be adapted to create your own unique puppy training schedule.

3-month-old Golden Retriever weight

Since there can be large variations from puppy to puppy in size, there is no definitive answer to this question. Each dog will have their own growth rate as well as their adult weight.

A Golden Retriever puppy’s growth can also be very sporadic. However, it is important to monitor your puppy’s weight to ensure that it does not gain too quickly or too slowly. As an overall average, many Golden Retriever puppies weigh about 1.5 pounds for each week of age. So your 3-month-old Golden Retriever’s weight should be between 12 kg and 14 kg

3-month-old Golden Retriever Temperament


This is the stage where structure, activity, and clear boundary setting are essential. At this age, puppies have a natural ability to learn, so it is important that the lessons learned during this period are respected, and training and social circle expansion must continue. This will help the puppy grow into a confident, well-behaved adult dog.


Provide your puppy with places to feed and sleep, as well as plenty of toys to play with, and you’ll make it easier to understand the basic rules of the house. Exploring more outdoor environments and being exposed to new experiences will stimulate learning, increase the puppy’s self-confidence and create a stronger bond between the puppy and its owner.


This is a good time to start establishing a schedule of activities and exercises adapted to the puppy’s developmental stage. Forming good habits will contribute to the puppy’s development and ensure a healthy future. Talk to your veterinarian about the vaccination schedule and the possibility of neutering the puppy.


This is an essential stage in the physical development of puppies; therefore, it is crucial to ensure that they are eating food designed to meet the needs of this stage of development. See our nutrition guide for more information or take a look at our puppy products.


3-month-old Golden Retriever size

3-month-old Golden Retriever size is different in males and females

Males generally are between 23 and 24 inches tall. Females are usually smaller and grow to an average of 21.5 to 22.5 inches tall.

FAQS about 3-month-old Golden Retriever puppy

When do Golden Retrievers stop growing?

If you are the proud owner of a new Golden Retriever, this is an exciting time. Your new furry friend has a lot of growing to do, and you probably have a lot of questions.

Your Golden Retriever puppy will go through several stages of development during their first twelve weeks. When they are 12 to 16 weeks old, they don’t look so much like puppies and they start to look like they will appear as adults. From 3 to 6 months, your puppy grows so fast, it may seem that it changes every day. This rapid growth period slows down before they reach 6 months of age.

How long can a 3-month-old Golden Retriever puppy be left alone?

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends the following time frames for leaving a puppy in its crate: 8 to 10 weeks old up to an hour. 11 to 14 weeks old up to three hours. 15 to 16 weeks old up to four hours Puppies younger than 10 weeks cannot be left alone for more than an hour.

From 3-6 months, they should not be left for longer than their age in months (for example, 3-month-old golden retriever puppies cannot be alone for more than 3 hours) Once your dog reaches three months of age, they can usually hold it for one hour for every month they have lived. However, even adult dogs should not be home alone for much longer than six to eight hours without access to a bathroom break

From where you can get a Golden Retriever puppy?

Adopting a puppy from a rescue and buying through a reputable breeder are two great ways to bring a puppy home.

There are pros and cons to each method, so it will come down to the preferences that you choose.

Golden Retriever puppy rescue is usually cheaper, and you get a better idea of ​​the personality of your puppy or dog. Some dogs will have basic training, which means you can potty train by accident.

But, you may have trouble finding a puppy at a rescue center. Puppies in shelters tend to get processed very quickly so you will need to put your name down with a few numbers and wait for the litter to arrive.

Dogs from shelters can sometimes have behavior problems. But, if you are willing to put in the time and care for them, many make excellent family pets.

Puppies from breeders are very expensive and can have waiting lists just as long as rescues. Instead, you’ll have a better idea of ​​your puppy’s history, health, and upbringing.

You will also get to see all the puppy’s stages from 8 weeks of age.

From where you can get a Golden Retriever puppy?

Recommend To You

The puppy needs to be given a fairly bright place away from heating devices, but he can choose his “place” himself

  • It is forbidden to take a “place” in a cold room, in the bathroom, toilet. In a strong draft, outside.
  • The bedding should have a removable cover that is easy to wash. You should not insist that the puppy sleep on the bed all the time, as the dogs in the room with steam heating are hot and they shift from place to place in search of coolness.
  • Do not allow the puppy to climb on low furniture, so that he does not bend his paws and arch his back, climb under the sofa or bed, and often stand on his hind legs.
  • Do not let the puppy jump off the furniture, and if you let him go, then bring him to the floor. All jumping at an early age can lead to a violation of the posture and structure of the limbs—injuries (fractures, dislocations, etc.).
  • It is necessary to descend the stairs on your hands, and only from the age of 4 months you can allow him to climb and later descend, in order to avoid sprains.
  • Slippery floors in an apartment for up to a year must be covered, as constantly sliding on the floor, the puppy damages the ligamentous-articular apparatus.
  • Wash the puppy if necessary with professional shampoos (human shampoos are not suitable for dogs). Only good shampoos guarantee excellent quality of wool and skin and do not lead to skin irritation and hair loss. After a walk, the paws and stomach should be wiped with a damp cloth, cleaned with a brush, or washed his stomach and feet. Every day the puppy needs to be combed with a massage brush.
  • After feeding, the food bowl is removed, even if there is uneaten food left in it.
  • Raise the puppy carefully, holding the chest. You can not take the puppy under the armpits, lift it by the front paws. Thus, he can injure the limbs.


In conclusion, we conclude that a 3-month-old Golden Retriever needs sufficient care and high nutrition and food and it is in your hands that can you take care of your golden retriever dog Golden Retriever is a very kind and family-friendly dog breed You will surely enjoy your company with Golden Retriever If you want to learn more about Golden Retriever then you can visit my site www.Danwaon.com and learn many interesting facts about Golden Retriever.

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