Does Short-Haired Golden Retriever exist?

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From the primary point of view, the answer to the question of whether there are short-haired golden retrievers really exist is No. but we look at this more closely after reading this article you will able to differentiate between short-haired and long-haired golden retrievers.

What is the reason for a short-haired golden retriever?

The Golden Retriever, also known as the Golden Retriever, is a large, long-haired dog. The typical characteristic of the golden retriever is that it has a long double coat, which is as beautiful as velvet, so there is no short-haired Golden Retriever If the owner finds that the dog’s hair has become shorter, there are generally three possibilities.

  • Golden Retrievers are still in their infancy and the hair has not yet opened, which is what we call explosive hair. The Golden Retriever will be shorter when he is young. The owner needs to add some food rich in lecithin to help the Golden Retriever grow beautiful hair, such as eating some eggs, deep-sea fish, and so on.
  • The second situation is that although the Golden Retriever is already an adult dog, it is relatively thin and in a state of malnutrition. Therefore, the hair of the Golden Retriever is short-crossed, withered, yellow, and dull. At this time, what the owner needs to do is to provide him with qualified food, supplement a lot of nutrition, and feed him more meat, such as chicken, beef, pork, etc to help the Golden Retriever quickly return to normal.
  • In the third case, if the Golden Retriever at home is neither young nor malnourished, the most likely reason is that you have a Labrador instead of a Golden Retriever. After all, the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador is not apparent, whether in appearance or personality. Still, the biggest difference between the two is that the Labrador is a short-haired dog, while the Golden Retriever is not a short-haired retriever. Dogs with long hair are also easily confused.
What is the reason for a short-haired golden retriever?

Golden Retriever features of the coat

The Golden Retriever is a Scottish breed: born around 1850 as a hunting and retriever dog, it has since developed into an excellent companion dog.

Currently, the breed is divided into three categories, the English Golden Retriever, the American Golden Retriever, and the Canadian Golden Retriever.

The English Golden Retriever has a shorter, thicker, and wavy coat while the American Golden Retriever has a non-wavy coat, but when we speak of Golden Retriever short hair we are referring to the undercoat, which in both cases is always short.

The Golden Retriever shed its coat a few times a year and during that time it will need daily brushing to remove dead hair. The Golden Retriever is characterized by a beautiful double coat. The surface coating is silky, wavy, medium length, and naturally water-repellent. The inner fur is different, soft but short, necessary to insulate the dog from the heat in summer and from the cold in winter. So there is no such thing as a short-haired Golden Retriever, but when we speak of Golden Retriever short hair we are inevitably referring to the animal’s undercoat.

Although Golden’s coat varies in length and thickness, all varieties require at least one deep brushing and combing per week year-round to keep the coat shiny and neat.

It is obvious that fine powder edges “stick” to the long hair of our Golden, but it is also true that the Golden does not require any special care. Among the treatments that a long-haired dog may require is stripping, a grooming technique that promotes the maintenance of your furry friend’s aesthetic appearance and health.

Golden Retriever features of the coat

Golden Retriever shedding

Golden Retriever shedding is a severe problem for dog owners The Golden Retriever breed sheds moderately for the majority of the year, but during the transitional seasons, they shed more fur to get ready for the weather to change.

This is because it was bred to have a double coat, or top and bottom. They have a medium-length, durable topcoat that can be lighter or darker in color and has a soft undercoat.

In the spring, the winter’s heavy double coat sheds, and the summer’s lighter coat takes its place. In order to get a thicker coat for the winter, this summer coat is shed in the fall. For most double-coated dogs, this is typical.

Puppies that reach the age of 6 months also completely shed their thick and soft puppy fur to make room for the fur of a mature golden this is, of course, a once-in-a-lifetime dropout event

Golden Retriever shedding

Why does Golden Retriever shed so much hair?

Before we talk about how to control a golden retriever’s shedding, it’s important to understand what its coat looks like, why it’s important, and why it sheds all the time.

Although the golden’s fur is very beautiful, soft, and pleasant to stroke, there is much more to it than that.

Golden Retrievers have a double coat consisting of a soft, fluffy undercoat and a long, smooth outer coat.

The undercoat protects your dog from both hot and cold temperatures (by acting as a thermal insulator), while the outer coat is waterproof and protects them from dirt and other debris from nature.

All mammals (including humans) shed their fur or hair, so rest assured this is completely natural.

They shed all year round, but on these two occasions they shed much more, and you are more likely to find many in the house.

The good thing about the golden retriever coat is that it is relatively easy to clean.

Different types of Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are usually classified into 3 separate types. They are:

  • American golden retriever
  • British golden retriever
  • Canadian golden retriever

The differences between these three varieties are minimal and are associated with the physical appearance, for example, the characteristics of the coat. These differences arose naturally in the breeding process, and it should be noted that they have no real effect on the temperament or health of the dogs.

American Golden Retriever

Without a doubt, this is the most common and popular type. Compared to the others, the American golden retriever is the thinnest and least muscular. According to the Golden Retriever Club of America1, these specimens are easier to recognize by the color of their coat.

As its name indicates, the coat is a shiny golden color, which can vary from dark gold to light gold. Although it is a light golden specimen, its fur will always be darker than that of its British counterpart.
The dense wavy coat is neither too thick nor too silky. It has long hair feathers on the neck, the back of the legs, and the tail.

Unlike the British and Canadian, the American golden retriever has lighter eyes, more triangular in shape than round.

British Golden Retriever

The two most significant differences between the British and American Golden Retrievers are the physical constitution and the color of the coat.

The British Hound has more powerful forequarters and a broader skull.
In addition, his cloak is a lush cream color, rather than light gold. This type retains the breed’s wavy, feathery coat, but is slightly shorter. The detachment of its outer layer is minor.
Another feature that helps distinguish one type from another is the shape of the eyes since the British have them darker and rounder

British Golden Retriever

Canadian Golden Retriever

This type of golden retriever looks a bit different than the other two varieties. First, its coat is thinner and shorter, and its body reaches higher.

The Canadian golden retriever exhibits a medium to dark golden coat, not as feathery as its brethren. In this case, the texture of the hair also varies ( finer ). It is a dog that looks less hairy than the others.
These specimens are usually slightly taller than the British and American, reaching almost an extra 2 inches on average.

Are all types of golden retrievers the same color?

Not quite. The golden retriever breed is distinguished by its luscious golden coat, but this golden color can exhibit many different shades, from cream, light gold, and medium gold to dark gold and reddish (never brown).

This color spectrum is strict, especially for competing dogs. If a specimen falls outside of this gold range, it cannot compete or be officially registered.


In our short-haired Golden Retriever article, we conclude that no specific Golden Retriever has short hair but as aspect, but they have shorter hair Most Golden Retrievers have long hair If you want to learn more about golden retrieve breeds or any other dog breeds you can visit my site by just typing on your browser

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